If you are without health insurance, you can find coverage during a special enrollment period that runs through Aug. 15, Access Health CT announced.
The newly-approved federal American Rescue Plan is making health insurance more affordable by eliminating or vastly reducing monthly premium costs for people with low to moderate incomes. Even people with higher incomes who are enrolled in health insurance through Access Health, the state’s insurance exchange, may see their monthly premium costs reduced.
The special enrollment period at Access Health CT runs from May 1 to Aug. 15.
James Michel, chief executive officer at Access Health CT, said that there are about 200,000 people in the state without any health insurance, and others who are under-insured because they couldn’t afford the coverage cost.
“The American Rescue Plan will assist many people since financial help will be significantly greater for almost everyone at every income level,” Michel said.
The new federal subsidies for insurance will last for two years, but there is an effort to make them permanent.
To shop for health insurance, go to Access Health CT. You can get assistance via a live chat or by calling 1-855-805-4325, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
On Saturday (May 1), there are special call-in hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. AHCT’s Navigators are available by appointment only with safety protocols in place to assist with enrollment at Project Access New Haven, 63 York St., and Community Renewal Team, 330 Market St., Hartford.