Recipes for Healthy Living: Defeating Diabetes
The Conn. Health I-Team, in collaboration with ConnectiCare and the Hispanic Health Council, invites the public to a forum on diabetes, with a focus on healthy eating. Becky Stevens-McGuigan, an executive chef at Billings Forge, will offer a sampling of diabetes-friendly food choices and a cooking demonstration, including recipes. That will be followed by a discussion and question-and-answer session with a panel of experts on the latest developments in preventing and managing diabetes.
Thursday, Sept. 29, 5-7:30 p.m. · The Lyceum, 227 Lawrence St., Hartford · FREE ON-SITE PARKING
Dr. Latha Dulipsingh, FACP, FACE
Director of the Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Care, Population Management Champion, Diabetes and Metabolic Services, St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center
Jane Querido, RD, MBA, CD-N, CDE
Registered Dietician and Educator at Diabetes LifeCare, Hartford Hospital
Yolanda Burt, MS, RD, CD-N
Director of Food and Child Nutrition Services for Hartford Public Schools
Dr. Robert M. Oberstein
Endocrinologist and Medical Director
Diabetes LifeCare, Hartford Hospital
Moderator: Lorenna Monroig
Lorenna Monroig works at Telemundo Hartford/Springfield as a TV host at “Hola Ciudad Teve” and as a reporter/anchor for Telemundo Informa.
Chef Becky Stevens-McGuigan
Meet Becky Stevens-McGuigan, executive chef at The Kitchen at Billings Forge in Hartford, who will offer a healthy cooking demonstration, including recipes, from 5-6 p.m.
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This event is supported with a grant from the Koopman Share of the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.