Do lifestyle choices increase your risk of breast cancer? Should you continue breast cancer screening after age 65? Should you get genetic testing if your mother had breast cancer in her 80s?
Dr. Kristen Zarfos, the director of the Comprehensive Breast Health Program at The Hospital of Central Connecticut, division of the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute, will answer your breast cancer questions during a live web chat on, Wednesday, from 12:30-1 p.m.
Zarfos, who successfully advocated to end the practice of “drive-through mastectomies’’ in Connecticut, will answer questions on the latest inroads in screening, treating and preventing cancer. This live chat is a collaboration of the Conn. Health I-Team ( , which in October held a forum on breast cancer, and the Hartford Courant. To join the live chat to go
You can tweet your questions using the hashtag: #BeyondPink