If you’re looking for Ross Krasner, you can most likely find him on a golf course.

That’s because when Krasner isn’t playing golf, he’s working at the Cedar Ridge golf course in East Lyme.
“I want to be the top, best golfer in my school,’’ he said.
Krasner, 16, is on the golf team at East Lyme High School and has a 15 handicap. He didn’t start playing he was in the 8th grade.
Krasner has worked hard to play as well as some of the other players on his team. He wants to take golf to another level. His role model is Tiger Woods, who he said is a “great player.”
At East Lyme High, Krasner is taking AP classes in English and U.S. History. He is also studying law and journalism and writes for the school newspaper, “The Viking Saga.” He wants to do investigative work in the fall.
He also has an internship in the mayor’s office, plays the saxophone and likes to listen to Jay-Z in his spare time.
He wants to study at the University of Connecticut and hopes to be a politician or an engineer.

Keylee Scott is a sophomore at Weaver High School Journalism And Media Academy, Hartford.