Three Nursing Homes Fined Following Lapses In Care

Three nursing homes have been fined by the state Department of Public Health (DPH) for violations that occurred in 2017 and last year. Long Ridge Post-Acute Care in Stamford was fined $3,270 after a resident was found lying on the floor multiple times. The care plan for the resident, who had Alzheimer’s disease and anxiety, directed that the resident be kept in front of the nurse’s station when out of bed. According to the citation, the resident was found on the floor multiple times in 2017: June 23, June 27, July 4, Aug. 9 and Aug.

Nursing Home Fined After Four Die From Pneumonia, Following Virus Outbreak

A Durham nursing home has been fined $2,000 for lapses in patient care in connection with an outbreak of viral respiratory illnesses at the home in April, in which four patients died of pneumonia. Nearly half of the home’s 43 residents were sickened during the outbreak, state records show. The state Department of Public Health released details of the citation and fine against Twin Maples Health Care Facility on Friday. It also released details of fines against an East Hampton home and a Danbury home. Twin Maples officials did not report the illnesses as an outbreak until April 24, nine days after 10 percent of the residents had symptoms, the state citation said.