Seven Nursing Homes Fined Following Medication Errors, Injuries

Seven nursing homes have been fined by the state Department of Public Health in connection with medication errors and incidents that led residents to be burned or break a leg. In two separate citations on July 24, Sharon Health Care Center was fined $1,580 and $1,050 in connection with several violations of state regulations. On Oct. 30, 2013, a resident at the home was burned on the leg by a hot pack during a ride to a doctor’s office. The director of rehabilitation told state officials that in retrospect, it showed poor judgment for the rehab department to give the resident a hot pack for the half-hour ride, DPH records show.

Three Nursing Homes Fined

Three Connecticut nursing homes have been fined more than $1,000 each in connection with incidents that left three residents suffering broken bones. The Fairview Healthcare Center of Greenwich was fined $1,300 on Aug. 8, according to a citation released by the state Department of Public Health. The citation states that a resident with multiple sclerosis fell out of a lift in June because nurses’ aides used a sling that was too large. The resident was treated at a hospital for a head injury, bruised hip and a broken collarbone, the citation states.