Work by High School Campers
Profile: Tiara Is The Dancing Teen
Tiara McFadden dreams of becoming a pediatrician, lawyer and space scientist, but she’s a dancer at heart. Since she was five years old, Tiara has been taking dance classes at Karar Praise Dance Studio in New Haven before taking a two-year hiatus. After that, she took to the dance floor again and now attends the Hamden Academy of Dance. Tiara, 15, of New Haven, has many different favorite styles of dance including lyrical, tap, jazz, multi-cultural and hip hop. Though some students prefer following the instructor exactly, Tiara disagrees and prefers following her own style. “It’s better to do your own style, not with the group, because your style shows who you are and gives more personality,” Tiara said. Tiara Nigee McFadden was born on July 25, 1998 in Derby.